Here is our story for the week!
You can decorate your own Christmas tree on Boom Cards, you may need to sign up for a free account to acces. Decorate Your Tree
Here is our story for the week!
You can decorate your own Christmas tree on Boom Cards, you may need to sign up for a free account to acces. Decorate Your Tree
Participate and have fun! Count some items in your home. Find your favorite ornament on your tree and tell someone about it! Then watch and since along to the video below.
Enjoy our story of the week, as well as some fun Thanksgiving videos! Remember to BE THANKFUL and always use your magic words, "thank you!"
Enjoy our lesson for the week! Watch these fun YouTube videos about Pumpkins, and print and make your own pumpkin face!
I love FALL! Even in Phoenix, we still have a great Autumn. Hope you enjoy these activities! Watch my language lesson, the Youtube videos about Fall leaves, and print and do the scavenger hunt! Use good sentences like "I see a _____" or "I found a _____"!
Here are videos of our weekly speech and language story and two fun songs to practice following directions!
Here are videos of our weekly speech and language story, as well as a fun movement song to practice following directions!